Welcome to the forum for online advertising for Fresno, Clovis, Madera,Visalia, Merced, Modesto, and all other parts of the San Joaquin Valley. Here, you'll find Autos, Antiques, Computers, LP Records, Yard Sales and more! You can buy, sell or trade your items, and let folks know what you're looking for. The ground rules are simple:
Just about anything but pornography and adult-related items. We also do not accept dating-related personal ads or items dealing with the Occult, including ads for Tarot readings, psychic hot lines, etc. We don't take home typing ads (we get dozens a week).
How long does an ad run?
30 days. (Yard sale ads can be placed up to 30 days in advance but automatically expire the day after the event.)
For a limited time, you may post ads absolutely free.
By the window that pops up here. (Please list the ad category where you want your ad in the Subject box.)
Who sees my ad?
You would be amazed! People from all over the world with computers regulalry search online ads. Don't be shocked if someone from out of state contacts you to buy something you'll have to ship to them.
These are the ad categories:
Automotive. Anything related to cars, trucks or motorcycles goes here.
Aviation. Selling your plane or aviation-related equipment? This is the spot.
Boating. Have a yacht, bass boat or a trolling motor for sale?
Business & Commercial. Here you can find ads for local businesses, many of which will offer discounts if you print out or mention their ad!
Collectibles. Here you sell your antiques, baseball cards, Elvis memorabilia, etc.
Computers & Software. Upgrading? Sell your old system or software in this category, or put the word out you need peripherals.
Electronics. Here you can sell anything from a car stereo, to a VCR.
Employment. Looking for work, or do you have a job to offer?
Farming-related. Whether you're selling a tractor or bee hives, this is the category.
Household & Appliances. Sell anything here from a vacuum to kitchenware.
Miscellaneous. Everything that doesn't fit into another category goes here.
Music-related. Anything from Beatles records to wind instruments can be sold here.
Rentals & Real Estate. Sell your house or rent an apartment.
Services. Get the word out about your business!
Sporting. Whether it's hunting, fishing or rock-climbing, this is where to buy or sell the equipment you need.
Tools. All the equipment needed for the mechanic or craftsman.
Yard Sales. Let people know when you're cleaning out that garage.
Describe what you have for sale, or what you are looking for, as briefly as possible. Whether you're buying or selling, make sure to include your telephone number and/or Email address. Please note that we edit all ads!What you send probably won't be reproduced word-for-word. Be prepared for that. Start your ad with key words that describe what you are selling or looking to buy. Following are some examples of good, tightly-written ad formats:
Honda 1973 350 CC motorcycle. Good shape, new tires, just tuned. Needs paint. $300 or offer. Phone (209) 555-1212 evenings. 12/15Set of Guardianware cook ware. Roaster, coffee pot, 1-quart saucepan. All with tops. Make offer. (209) 555-1212 Kathy@123.zip.com 12/26
Pentium MB wanted. $50-$75 range. (209) 555-1212 12/29
Following are overly wordy examples of the same ads.
I have for sale a 1973 Honda 350. It's in pretty good shape. I just put on new tires at Joe's Bike Shop, and I just got a tune up there which cost me $75. The paint is faded so it does need to be repainted. I would like to get $300 or you can make me an offer. But I think $300 is very fair. A new bike costs over $6000, so you are getting a good deal here. Phone (209) 555-1212 evenings. 12/15
I would like to sell a set of Guardianware cook ware which belonged to my mother. It's in OK shape and I have a roaster, coffee pot, and a 1-quart saucepan. They all have tops. I will consider any offer you would care to make on these. My phone number is (209) 555-1212 . My Email address is Kathy@123.zip.com 12/26
I am upgrading my computer and I just picked up a Pentium 200 CPU. I need to find someone who can sell me a Pentium mother board for $50 to $75. (209) 555-1212 12/29
Also, if you are selling a motor vehicle, plane or boat, make sure you start the ad with the make, year of manufacture, and model. Last of all,if you are in a city other than Fresno or Clovis, list it!
Sure. Just Email us.
Only if there is a mistake in it.
Central California Online Classifieds is run as a service for theWeb community and assumes no responsibility for the quality of the items offered for sale herein. Sellers assume all risk and liability arising from their offer of any item(s). Buyers agree to indemnify and hold harmless CentralCal with regards to any loss or harm arising out of a transaction experienced through this system. We do not assume responsibility for the content or the context of the listings. If you post an ad with us you agree that we shall edit it as we deem fit. We reserve the right to decline publication of any ad deemed inappropriate for our standards of publication and good taste.We do not guarantee that sellers will complete the sale of an item, or that buyers will go through with the purchase of an item; all risk is taken by the individual buyers and sellers. Payment terms to be agreed upon between seller and buyer. We reserve the right to limit the amount of free ads accepted and their running time.
Hey--are you new to Fresno and looking for a good church? The best one is here!